Liste des blocs

IBCN Executive committee


The Executive Committee composes of seven members, two from the institute where the IBCN headquarters are located and one from each additional pilot country with a total of five different representatives. The first Executive Committee was appointed by the Core Committee from Purdue University.   A deputy-ExCOM member is selected by the country team as well. This person temporarily replaces the ExCOM member when S/He is unavailable. A member or deputy-member on the committee may step down from her/his position upon her/his wish, upon the wish of the country team for that member or the wish of the majority (all but one) of the ExCOM members who think it is necessary based on performance and lack of commitment to the mission of the IBCN. In case a committee member or deputy-member is replaced, the new committee member is recommended by the country pilot team members and formally accepted by the ExCOM. The IBCN coleaders are responsible to oversee the committee.


The role of the Executive Committee is to update the strategic plan regularly, decide on any new direction to follow and action to make that involve the whole IBCN network, decide on membership request, select members of the EAC and Ethics Committees and interact with them as needed. It also decides on membership for any other IBCN committee. It reviews the yearly pilot/partner country team project reports and research program reports, sends its yearly report to the EAC one month before the strategy think-tank and meets with the EAC once a year during the strategy think-tank. In addition, it writes a short report based on the strategy think-tank. Potential conflicts are referred to the Executive Committee.


This committee meets every three months at minimum via videoconference and once per year on site, during the strategy think-tank.


All IBCN committees report to the Executive Committee.


Current ExCOM

France : 


Ghana :

Lebanon :

Taiwan :

  • Professor Lie-fen Shyur, PhD Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica - Lie-Fen Shyur ( 

Uruguay :

External Advisory Committee


Members on the EAC include at least five members with global perspectives and connections on breast cancer, public policy related to cancer, nutrition, and epigenomics/epigenetics. In addition, these members are strategically chosen based on the needs and mission of IBCN. Each member serves a three-year term, renewable. EAC members are selected by the Executive Committee and personally invited to this committee. The EAC will advises the Executive committee with decision making regarding the yearly strategic plan. The EAC meets with the Executive Committee once a year to offer advice as needed. They may also interact with program leaders of the IBCN as appropriate.

Current EAC

  • Don Chalmers (Tasmania)
  • Nahla Hwalla (lebanon)
  • Lesley Reinlib (United States)
  • Graciela Sabini (Uruguay)
  • Sharon Ross (United States)

Ethics committee


The Ethics committee composes of at least three members who do not participate in the IBCN, but who have expertise in bioethics or issues related to human subjects. They are selected by the Executive Committee and serve a three-year term, renewable.  

They are consulted by the Executive Committee when ethical issues arise. Their role are to propose broad, guiding ethical principles as well as to consult on particular issues. Their advice is sought when new directions of research are proposed within IBCN. The Executive Committee will convey the recommendations from the Ethics Committee to the EAC and all IBCN members. The final call on ethical questions sits with the Executive Committee who weighs the recommendations from the Ethics Committee and conveys them to all IBCN members.

Current Ethics Committee